Thursday, 19 September 2013

SUMMARY - Lodz, PM 163, Poland

The last journey in "One song - one voice" program took place in Birmingham in July. This meeting was full of good memories and friendly feelings. We went through all great activities which we did during past 2 years and discussed what was a success and what should be done in a bit different way. Concert in Cotteridge school gave us ideas how much we can achive even with the youngest. We had a walk not only through our memories but also history. Visiting place of birth of William Shakespeare was a great experience where we could not only see part of English history but also talk to friends who we meet during the project.

The whole project was unforbetabble experience and gave as a lot as teachers as well as normal people, because "diving" in other cultures always brings surprises. Those which happened here were luckily the good ones.
We hope we will stay in contact and maybe meet during some other projects.
Best wishes from Kindergarten in Lodz.
Alles gute von Kindergarten in Lodz.