Thursday, 19 September 2013

SUMMARY - Lodz, PM 163, Poland

The last journey in "One song - one voice" program took place in Birmingham in July. This meeting was full of good memories and friendly feelings. We went through all great activities which we did during past 2 years and discussed what was a success and what should be done in a bit different way. Concert in Cotteridge school gave us ideas how much we can achive even with the youngest. We had a walk not only through our memories but also history. Visiting place of birth of William Shakespeare was a great experience where we could not only see part of English history but also talk to friends who we meet during the project.

The whole project was unforbetabble experience and gave as a lot as teachers as well as normal people, because "diving" in other cultures always brings surprises. Those which happened here were luckily the good ones.
We hope we will stay in contact and maybe meet during some other projects.
Best wishes from Kindergarten in Lodz.
Alles gute von Kindergarten in Lodz.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

SUMMER ADVENTURE - Lodz, PM 163, Poland

In May we could again be host for our friends from Austria and England. Beautiful weather gave us all good mood which made this meeting unforgettable. 
We had lovely walk through city of Lodz and even more interesting expierience in Cracow. Although emotionally heavy, trip to Auswitz and Birkenau was important part of this visit.
Day which we had spent in Kindrergarden was full of laugh, smiles and good emotions. Groups were presenting their classrooms and favourite games. Absorbing point were outdoor activities which took place in the garden. 
We will keep this meeting in our memory and we already can not waith for the next suprises connected with project “One song – one voice”.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

English Songs Festival - Lodz, PM 163, Poland

Only last week children from various kindergardens visited our place to take part in a singing contest. Kids between age of 5 and 6 were presenting show to well us known compositions. Among stars we hosted Sting, Tina Turner, John Travolta and many others. Level of the comptetition was very high as all groups were singing to karaoke versions of the songs. All groups prepared great show and present very high language abilities that is why nobody left without a prize. Here you may see some of  our stars. 

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Spring Song - Lodz, PM 163, Poland

Last week in our kindergarten children dressed in spring colors started to presented specially prepared for this event short song about spring. Everyone was delighted viewed children's performances ;)

Friday, 5 April 2013

Austrian running game

One child is the hunter, the other children are the rabbits.
The hunter has a soft ball and has to catch all the rabbits.
If the rabbits get caught, they will have to sit down on the bench (or a special place).
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Austrian Running game


The children form a circle and sit down on the floor.
One child walks around the circle and touches the head of every child with his hand and says: duck, duck, duck, duck, duck ...... but when the child says fox, the chosen child has to stand up and try to catch the other child.
If the first child reaches the free place without being caught from the other child, it has to sit down. So the new child has to walk around the circle and the game starts again.
If the first child is not able to reach the free place it needs to do it again and the chosen child can sit down on his place.

Variation: Instead duck, you can say your favorite pet, for example: My favorite pet is a cat, so you have to say cat, cat, cat ... fox.

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Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Easter - Lodz, PM 163, Poland

Today we had in our kinddergarden fair on the occasion of the approaching Easter. Works prepared by the children and some of them by the parents. Things bought at the bazaar will be decoration on the holiday table. 

To celebrate the upcoming holidays we would like to wish you
Happy Alleluia, and Easter time!
Colorfull eggs and lamb in basket!
All the best
Management and Staff PM 163